Boston to WashingtonDC
via Cape Cod, Long Island Sound, NY City, Jersey Coast, Delaware River, C&D Canal, Chesapeake Bay, Potomac River. This was really a neat trip, Manhattan by water, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the UN building, Huge Bridges, the New York City Skyline, the many commercial vessels on the Bay.
Sea Ray 42 Aft Cabin with plenty of room and comfort.
My good friend Bob and I did this trip in April and the biggest challenge was finding gasoline for the twin 7.4 Mercruisers. Many marinas were not open and the ones that were frequently did not have a supply of gasoline yet. We used a lot of gasoline. It was a really scenic trip and the weather cooperated except when we were off the Jersey coast. New York City was really scenic from the water. The air and sky was the clearest I have ever seen New York City so I got some great photos. It was fun to remember some of the deliveries we have made together and the places we have been.